Too Much on your Plate?

Why THIS metaphor?

Must I reveal for you? NEARLY everyone knows they have secrets, and a lot of those secrets have to do with food or eating or drinking or just plain obsessive indulgence, or intake of one kind or another, hence: the plate, and too much on it.

The plate stands for serving something we will consume. You may have never thought of it this way, but when you work in a 9-to-5 job, or have a profession that keeps you beyong the 8-hour shift, or you work remotely– but my point is the same. Laboring is another form of consuming: rules, safety methods, clocking in or out, submitting memos, forms, speaking to many clients, customers, or colleagues… We are in the state of consumption; into our minds, our emotions, our spirituality, our physical responses and reactions. The outside JOB we MUST accomplish or do, or complete, so that we can receive the reward: the money, the recognition, the respect, the love. And that is only ONE aspect of consumption. Remember, we are still consuming physical food, and many times we unconsciously use it as a reflection of how our desperation to finish our consumption as quickly and wholly as possible, thereby overeating, drinking, etc. and so forth.

We consume ourselves with a partner in the act of giving and taking in lovemaking, cooking, being supportive in the way they need to be supported. We consume in small crevices those things we really want to do perhaps, such as art or music, or dancing, or chatting with our friends, or Bible reading or fiction reading, or writing, anything that helps us feel the pleasure of being present and alive. Not to say that we do not get pleasure from our partners, or from food, or our jobs or professions… but there is a certain kind of pleasure we get when we give it to ourselves. Nonetheless, all of these things we try to fit into a short period of time.

I think I heard it best when Eddie Murphy said, (in paraphrasing the concept, not word-for-word): “We only have about 75 Christmases in our lifetime; 75 birthdays, 75 … and on and on…’chances in our lives to do what we want to do. So don’t waste any time because you have a limited of time in 75 cycles of everything.” Something to that effect. And when you think about it in those terms we try to pile on EVERYTHING onto one average size plate, which really represents life (75 years).

Let’s do this. Let’s sit down, write out a list of Why’s. I know. Everyone thinks they have to have only ONE WHY. That makes it all the more anxious-setting, because you are trying to do your Why in every different life-change, which is like putting 10 stories with various genres and structures all under one title. Well, consider this: within 75 years you have ten to twelve years of doing only fun stuff; playing, jumping, running, chasing, hiding, exploring… all the things we do when we are children. There is a list for that in our heart–or should be. So now you have 65 to 63 years left. From 12 to 15, this is the time to think about what kind of education you want in order to follow a dream you may have-the dream of making some type of stance or position in life.

So now, you have to work on that education from 12 to 20-25. Depending upon what you’ve chosen, you now have that period to accomplish that education so you can begin that labor path. You now have 40-45 years left. Within these years is another list of how you will progress inside of that period of time, but also you will consider only 20 to 25 years more of life you may have after you have finished the one you are in right now (the 40-45 years). What list will that next represent?

Well, in the 40-45 years you should have also been saving up, putting aside financial settings and preferences for the last 20-25 years. And usually during those last years one does not want to think of it as retiring or ending, but instead many people today think of it as beginning a new journey, a new job or profession, a creative adventure that has been waiting for the opportunity to begin, new explorations … and why not? People are living much longer these days because of new medical helps.

Yes, Eddie Murphy is right. You may only have 75 years, but you may be lucky to have 95 years, and if you do, your last 20-25 years will turn Into another opportunity of another path, making your fulfilling choices (hopefully) only better and giving you another opportunity for more-in another 40-45 years!

So, some of that stuff you have on your plate, may be good for SOME time, but maybe not right away or maybe not now. Put on your plate only what will suffice in the years you are in right now. Then, create the other lists and put them in the drawer until you get close. Be more selective. That way you can consume in small amounts and save yourself from anxiety, heartaches, heart attacks, or illnesses from stress, and enjoy the small amount of intake you can handle in the period of your life you are living now. Just consume your first list, wherever you may find yourself in the 75-95 years. And remember, nothing is carved out in stone; you can rework some of those lists while you go along. In this way, you will be less inclined to overeat (or over stress, over try, over indulge) with this frame of mind. And better than Murphy we are told, “all in moderation.” (paraphrased, Jesus.)

Believe me, this little lesson of mine is not only for you, I need it just as much. Thanks for listening, and I hope you can take this to heart. Portion your plate with caution and with love. Everyone will fare better that way, and life will become less strenuous and anxious building. Bon A’pettit!

L. Nolan-Ruiz, Editor

Published by L.Nolan, Editor

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